Triveni Academy Higher Secondary School.
Triveni Academy Higher Secondary School.
Triveni Academy Higher Secondary School.
Triveni Academy Higher Secondary School is a Day-Cum Residential +2 Science School and it is one of the pioneer science school. It aims at providing innovative education by the eminent faculties. It is situated at Andharua and 10mins of cab distance from Fire Station or CRP Square in the capital city, BBSR. Triveni Academy Higher Secondary School is approved by the Govt. of Odisha vide letter No 14868 Dt 29.10.2015 and set up under sub section 6 of section 6 of OE act 1969.
Triveni Academy Higher Secondary School becomes a name synonymous with quality education and creates many more privileges to reach new horizons for career groomers. The Institute in the stepping stone for the students aspiring for higher education in medical & Engineering apart from the regular council syllabus. We impart special coaching to our students, so that they could get better results in JEE (Mains & Advanced), AIPMT,NISER, OUAT, JEE(Odisha) etc.
Triveni Academy Higher Secondary School.
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2017Pellentese turpis dignissim amet area ducation process facilitating Knowledge. Pellentese turpis dignissim amet area ducation process facilitating Knowledge. Pellentese turpis dignissim amet area ducation.
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